Chem Rx Corporation signs "Stalking Horse' Agreement

Chem Rx Corporation signs "Stalking Horse' Agreement
SEE DD and Articles here!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Why Spartan Stocks 300

Spartan Stocks 300 is a Private Community, of Elite Investors, Venture Capitalists, Day traders, with one common Goal, Massive Gains! Spartans are technical analyst, chart analysts, momentum readers, trend traders, and DD machines! We use the most advanced scanning filtering systems, news filtering systems, and analysts to pick out the best Investments. Spartan Stocks 300 Specializes in finding that undervalued stock with pending developments that have Potential for Massive Gains!
We are not a Promotional Company or an IR Services Company of any kind. We do not nor will we ever be given free shares of a featured stock, nor will we ever be compensated for featuring a stock in any way.
Take a look around and click on the Pictures of Our Featured Picks and see the Actual Alerts that went out too our VIPs, two to five days before the stock went up 200%!
Then ask yourself, “Is there a Spartan in You?”
To Apply for Free VIP membership Please contact us by leaving us a comment!
~Come to Spartan Stocks 300 ~

Have a Blessed Weekend and please check back in for Alerts and Update's!

Spartans remember to always lock in profits on the way up!

On trend trades be early!

Buy Fear~Sell Cheer!


"Ride The Bull"